Prevention of Hemorrhoids

The best way to prevent hemorrhoids from becoming pathological, is to have normal bowel movements. This depends on the diet but also on timely visits to the toilet, that is, going whenever the need arises. Feces are best eliminated when soft, with little stress or effort exerted. Exercise, walking and eating a high-fiber diet helps reduce constipation, softening stools and facilitating their elimination.

A diet rich in fiber includes:

  1. Beans
  2. Black-eyed peas
  3. Kiwifruits
  4. Brown rice
  5. Corn
  6. Wholegrain bread
  7. Avocados
  8. Oatmeal
  9. Raspberries
  10. Pears
  11. Peas
  12. Broccoli
  13. Apples
  14. Almonds
  15. Whole-grain pasta

Long stays in the toilet should be avoided, because it is a habit that “spoils” the gut. The necessary time to complete defecation is 5 to 10 minutes. Longer duration is excessive and when done for a long time, it contributes decisively to the swelling and prolapse of the hemorrhoids.

Hygiene of the area and washing with plenty of lukewarm or warm water, at the end of each defecation also plays an important role.

Hemorrhoids do not appear overnight. In order to prevent or reverse it in time, all you have to do is to observe the above, avoid constipation, the time spent on the toilet and the hygiene of the area (washing with plenty of lukewarm or warm water at the end of each bowel movement).

Advice for the best prevention of hemorrhoids

By making sure we have good and timely stools with soft feces and without pressure to empty the gut, we can prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids. Exercise, walking and eating a high-fiber diet helps reduce constipation, softening stools and facilitating their elimination.

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