Proctalgia and treatment
Ways of treating Fugax proctalgia
- Usually, the symptoms are so transient that medication is rarely necessary.
- In patients who suffer frequently, with severe, prolonged episodes, inhaled salbutamol has been shown to reduce the duration of symptoms.
- Clonidine and amyl nitrite have also been used, but there is no evidence of their effectiveness.
- Blocks of the pudendal nerve have been used and claims that neuralgia is the cause of pain are made based on subsequent pain relief.
Therapeutic management for Levator ani syndrome
Many treatments have been tried, including pulse galvanic stimulation, warm water baths, massage of the area and muscle relaxants such as Methocarbamol and Diazepam.
- Biofeedback (appears subjectively effective in reducing pain).
- Calcium channel blockers have been suggested.
- Botulinum toxin injections have been successfully tested, but more studies are needed to prove their effectiveness.
- Psychotherapeutic interventions have long been proposed for many functional gastrointestinal disorders, but evidence of efficacy in Fugax Proctalgias (PF) and Levator ani syndrome (LAS) is so far lacking.